Divide Camp - Remote rustic cabins in the Wallowa Mountains helping wounded warriors recover through hunting, fishing and outdoor activities. 541-531-9939. Divide Camp Inc. a nonprofit organization.
Joseph Oregon is located in N. E. Oregon at the base of the Wallowa Mountains. It is the gateway to the Eagle Cap Wilderness and home of Wallowa Lake Oregon.
The Indian Lodge Motel in Joseph, Oregon has a great view of the Wallowa Mountains, is just a few miles from Wallowa Lake, and is right near the center of the action when Chief Joseph Days comes to town. This is the old Walter Brennan Motel
Whether you are interested in beach-coming or whale watching along the magical Oregon Coast, scaling the world-renowned cliffs at Smith Rock, backpacking the mighty Wallowa Mountains of Northeastern Oregon or taking in a Shakespeare play in Ashland, Orego
Wallowa Mountain Quilters' Guild are a group of dedicated quilters located in Eastern Oregon's beautiful Wallowa Valley at the foot of the Wallowa Mountains.
A full service Motel & RV Park with fantastic views of the Wallowa Mountains. Located in Joseph, Oregon, the gateway to Hells Canyon Natinal Recreation Area.
Wilderness Horse Camp offers several summer youth horseback riding camps for Western Trail Riding. Ride trails and camp in the beautiful Wallowa Mountains in northeastern Oregon while learning horsemanship skills and making friends.
A full service Motel & RV Park with fantastic views of the Wallowa Mountains. Located in Joseph, Oregon, the gateway to Hells Canyon Natinal Recreation Area.
Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness: up-to-date trail information; maps, photos, and elevation profiles; information on bears and cougars; difficulty, maintenance, and traffic ratings for each hike; access information to the Dihedrals climbing area.Whethe
Eagle Cap Wilderness Pack Station. Wallowa County is located in scenic Northeast Oregon and is home to the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Wilderness Pack Station offers horseback vacations, hunting trips, short horse trips, and fishing outings. Visit our County fo
We offer a variety of accommodations from single hotel rooms up to roomy two-bedroom cabins and many choices in between. Most of our Cabins and Condominiums feature fully-equipped kitchens and gas fireplaces or stoves. The Chalet rooms include daily maid
Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness: up-to-date trail information; maps, photos, and elevation profiles; information on bears and cougars; difficulty, maintenance, and traffic ratings for each hike; access information to the Dihedrals climbing area.Whether you
Located in Eastern Oregon by Hells Canyon/Eagle Cap Wilderness, Backcountry Outfitters, Inc. offers a variety of horseback wilderness adventures in beautiful northeastern Oregon.
Located in Eastern Oregon by Hells Canyon/Eagle Cap Wilderness, Backcountry Outfitters, Inc. offers a variety of horseback wilderness adventures in beautiful northeastern Oregon.
Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness: up-to-date trail information; maps, photos, and elevation profiles; information on bears and cougars; difficulty, maintenance, and traffic ratings for each hike; access information to the Dihedrals climbing area.Whether you
Wallowa County Brokers can assist in finding your prime real
estate property. Joseph, Oregon real estate firm serving all of Wallowa County including
Wallowa Lake, Joseph, Enterprise, Lostine, Imnaha, Wallowa, Flora & Troy.
The Wallowa Valley Photo Club offers it's calendar and book. Wallowa County is located in scenic Northeast Oregon and is home to the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Visit our County to experience bronze sculpture, fine art, backpacking, cross-country skiing, horse
A wellness retreat to help heal the body through education, detoxification, hands on treatments, massage, bodywork, reflexology, acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy, cleansing, and proper nutrition
Christmas Trees and Nursery stock have been grown at 4,000 feet elevation for 25 years. Cold winters and cool springs produce beautiful cold-hardy conifers, such as Grand Fir, Concolor Fir, Corkbark SubAlpine, and Colorado Spruce.
Licensed packers and outfitters to take you into the Eagle Cap Mountains in Eastern Oregon for deer and elk rifle or bow hunting, fishing, and summer rides.
Joseph Oregon Digital Photography and Web Design Services. Chief Joseph Mountain Pictures, Wallowa Lake Panoramas, Custom Printing and Complete Web Site Design and Internet Marketing.