There is a poem at the heart of things. Wallace Stevens Paula Tait is a musician, singer and speech artist, with a passion for poetry. Her solo Poetry and Music Performances weave together music and spoken poetry from many of the world's cultures and
Thirteen Ways is the online site of a San Francisco Bay Area poets' group. Wallace Stevens's poem, 'Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird' epitomizes our multivariate approach to writing poetry.
Thirteen Ways is the online site of a San Francisco Bay Area poets' group. Wallace Stevens's poem, 'Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird' epitomizes our multivariate approach to writing poetry.
Aria Press, Titles include I, Faust, an epic poem by Matthew Hong, 2007 with the appendix Cities + Dust : Exit Orpheus
I, Faust, an epic poem by Matthew Hong, Aria Press, 2007. (With the appendix Cities + Dust) Other works by Matthew Hong: Exit Orpheus |
I, Faust, an epic poem by Matthew Hong, Aria Press, 2007. (With the appendix Cities + Dust) Other works by Matthew Hong: Exit Orpheus |
Exit Orpheus, A Tragedy in a Single Act, by Matthew Hong, Aria Press, 2009. (Dramatic Poem / Verse Play) Other works by Matthew Hong: I, Faust (Epic Poem) With the Appendix Cities & Dust |
Martha's Vineyard and New York artist Gail Rodney specializes in pastel and oil landscapes and collage illustrations of well loved poems, including
I, Faust, an epic poem by Matthew Hong, Aria Press, 2007. (With the appendix Cities + Dust) Other works by Matthew Hong: Exit Orpheus |
Supporting environmental education is an important mission of our volunteer organization, to preserve natural resources within Wallace Falls State Park.