Virtual tour of Veli Losinj offers useful information about the island, map of island Losinj, map of island walking trails, map with diving locations and a map of the town of Veli Losinj
Otok Lošinj se nalazi u Kvarnerskom zaljevu na Jadranskom moru. Veli Lošinj je omiljeno turističko mjesto na otoku Lošinju . Klima je mediteranska s velikim brojem sunčanih dana
Infos über die Inseln Cres un Losinj, Apartements in Mali Loisnj, Veli Losinj, Nerezine, Bootsfermietung, Ferienwohnungen, Hotels, Zimmer und Pensionen provide a lot of touristic information's like, Apartments in Mali Losinj Croatia, travel to Mali Lošinj, history of Island Losinj and