R&D VaporTech delivers the highest quality highest value vapor phase reflow and rework equipment in the world. With our innovative designs and unsurpassed quality and customer support, we continue to lead the industry in vapor phase techno
R&D VaporTech delivers the highest quality highest value vapor phase reflow and rework equipment in the world. With our innovative designs and unsurpassed quality and customer support, we continue to lead the industry in vapor phase techno
Vapourtec - Flexible flow chemistry equipment for medchem, chemdev and process development. Based in the UK, Vapourtec develop, manufacture and sell the innovative R Series Flow Chemistry Systems.
Create your competitive advantage with durable, decorative surface finishes that add value to your product efficiently and with robust deposition systems
Vapourtec - Flexible flow chemistry equipment for medchem, chemdev and process development. Based in the UK, Vapourtec develop, manufacture and sell the innovative R Series Flow Chemistry Systems.