Biography of Peter Vahlefeld. Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects is a contemporary art gallery in Los Angeles and Berlin. Details for artist Peter Vahlefeld by One Art World. Gallery shows, art work, auction results, and more.
If we had to name a constistent theme for Peter Vahlefeld's way of working, it would be that of expropriation of found material; the ways of formatting information and manipulating their surface through heavy use of paint.
Why does Peter Vahlefeld constructs such elaborate facades behind which he persists in living a lie? Why is the lie not his ideal, his image, his truth?
Why does Peter Vahlefeld constructs such elaborate facades behind which he persists in living a lie? Why is the lie not his ideal, his image, his truth?
Für Peter Vahlefeld ist der Bluff eine Übersetzung dessen, was für den König jede illusionistische Darstellung bedeutete, die ihm eine Realität vormachte, die sonst nichts existierte ...
Vahlefeld scratches on the faux facades of the seemingly glossy objects of desire. The surfaces appear as fragile and fugitive, as ravaged and ruptured, as the explosive emotional and psychological content of his handling the paint, competing with assorte
Paris – Using this wide-ranging repertory of pictorial means, Peter Vahlefeld in an ingenious way is luring unsuspecting viewers inside wayward, analog and digital worlds …
Peter Vahlefeld - Berlin – Artists are dealers. Collectors are curators and dealers are collectors. If you peel back the layers, it´s all money and it´s all the same money, for the most part, which supports … Peter Vahlefeld …
London – Berlin-based artist, Peter Vahlefeld, takes ordinary objects like museum shop items and magazine advertisements and overpaints them into intricate and delicate ...
Berlin – Peter Vahlefeld (Japanese, 1967) - Find works of art, auction results and sale prices of artist Peter Vahlefeld at galleries and auctions worldwide …
Man könnte von »dystopischer Hermetik« sprechen, wenn man die Bilder von Peter Vahlefeld betrachtet: pessimistische Szenarien plus Hang zum Rätselhaften... oder einfach nur Dekadenz, die dem Kaiser sagt, dass er nackt ist...
Peter Vahlefeld gibt bekannt, dass er sich von seinem Hauptsponsor mit sofortiger Wirkung trennt. Er glaubt nicht mehr an den kulturellen Mehrwert und hat jegliches inhaltliches Interesse verloren.
Berlin – Peter Vahlefeld untersucht in seinem Werk die Relation von analog gemaltem und digitalem Bild. Er konzentriert sich dabei sowohl auf den Prozess der Bildkonstruktion, als auch auf den, der Rezeption …
Berlin...Vahlefeld's work draws on the symbiotic relationship between high art and commerce, exploring the »un-reality« where art becomes fashionable and fashion excessivly expensive.