DalekoArts is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that works with professional artists to provide high-quality theatre performance and education in an underserved area of Minnesota.
VNA Foundation is a grantmaking foundation helping the medically underserved in the Chicago metropolitan area. We provide financial support to nonprofit organizations that offer home- and community-based healthcare to the underprivileged.
The Friends of Vision Foundation is a charitable nonprofit organization founded by Dr. D. Michael Colvard that provides eye care to poor and underserved patients worldwide.
The Friends of Vision Foundation is a charitable nonprofit organization founded by Dr. D. Michael Colvard that provides eye care to poor and underserved patients worldwide.
Preparedness Matters advocates preparing underserved communities with measurable, sustainable programs, to improve survival in disasters and emergencies.
P.U.F.F. in Scottsdale, Arizona closes the âopportunity gapâ for displaced workers and the underserved members of society readying them to accept the challenges of employment.
Books&Wanderlust is a social-profit organization aiming to expose underserved people in Los Angeles County and the Greater Cleveland area to new ideas...
As staff and church leaders, we all desire to engage our congregation in serving the underserved in our community. Often times, however, we end up doing more harm than good because many of our traditional methods of outreach and benevolence create a syst
Decided to give up my home and travel to unknown destinations providing healthcare to the underserved. Also an Indie Author and Amateur Photographer. Take my hand and travel along with me, let's learn from each other and somehow make this world a lit
Medserve is a Northwestern Wisconsin-based provider of Telepsychiatry focusing on underserved areas throughout the Chippewa Valley and Wisconsin who do not have access to quality psychiatric care. By providing and utilizing video conferencing, Medserve of
Located in New York City, Akasha Project aims to strengthen underserved communities through yoga<br />
education and meditation. To accomplish its mission, the...