Guitar tips featuring guitar technique, guitar repair and maintenance, guitar and ukelele tabs and chords, as well as advice on how to make it in the music
ChordsVault - create, share or print lyric sheets with chords for guitar, banjo, ukelele and more. ChordsVault - создание и запись точных аккордов и аппликатур для песен для гитары, банджо, укелеле.
The Pindrop Club started as a series of acoustic music concerts at a village hall near Bristol (UK). The idea was to strip away as much of the amplification, smoke and noise as possible leaving the music to show off its finest colours. Out of this grew th
Piano Showcase - Home - Music store in Hampton Roads, VA offering new and used pianos, sheet music, guitars, accessories, lessons. Contact us at 757-465-4059
The Pindrop Club started as a series of acoustic music concerts at a village hall near Bristol (UK). The idea was to strip away as much of the amplification, smoke and noise as possible leaving the music to show off its finest colours. Out of this grew th
A resource and scrap book for musical ramblings & positive ideas for the Community. I'm James Lerouge,a community musician, composer, wedding pianist and now a fellow of the UKELELE!
Ukulele Boudoir, informations sur le ukulélé, événements de ukulélé, partitions de ukulélé et autres considérations autour du ukulélé : cours, animations, événements, news, tabs, chords