CV de Aurélie Vache - Développeuse Web multi casquette et multi tâches à Toulouse. Dev Java/Java EE (J2EE), HTML5/CSS3 - DevOps (Développement et Exploitation/Production), Gestion de projet, QOS et UX.
Telescope is a propriety technology platform offering product solutions for real-time consumer/fan engagement experiences including social tv, social voting & polling, Facebook APIs, Twitter Firehose and play along tv. Our social marketing platform an
Appio es un empresa experta en tecnología para el marketing digital. Especialistas en Facebook, Twitter, Mobile, Web, integración con APIs y Cloud Computing
Los Angeles based IT consulting & Philanthropy, Mobile websites, PTA member portal, Facebook API, Twitter API, Google Maps API, Zillow API, Trulia API, Free Geo coder and QR coder using Google APIs
,Walkscore API Integration, Amazon Product Advertisin
Looking for a mobile developer? Jeremie is located in Montreal and eager to work for you. He is a freelancer with expertise in Android, iOS, and backend APIs like Facebook and Twitter.
With ApiFlow, you can easily develop workflow-based applications with no coding that use Social Media Apis (twitter, google, facebook...) and meet the exact needs of your business.
En GeneraWeb desarrollamos proyectos basados en tecnologías estándar con propuestas que puedan marcar una diferencia de valor agregado para nuestros clientes
If you're considering a development project, talk to our team. We'll walk you through a brainstorming session where we can scope your project and explain how we can build within your budget.
Custom Mobile Responsive Web Desgin & Development, APIs, CMS and more. See for more about - Building Websites from Colorado ||
En GeneraWeb desarrollamos proyectos basados en tecnologías estándar con propuestas que puedan marcar una diferencia de valor agregado para nuestros clientes
If you're considering a development project, talk to our team. We'll walk you through a brainstorming session where we can scope your project and explain how we can build within your budget.
If you're considering a development project, talk to our team. We'll walk you through a brainstorming session where we can scope your project and explain how we can build within your budget.
Satmetrix SparkScore measures recommendation and loyalty behavior where it occurs in customer-to-customer conversation on the social web. SparkScore is the first Social Net Promoter Score product from Satmetrix, the co-creator of Net Promoter.
If you're considering a development project, talk to our team. We'll walk you through a brainstorming session where we can scope your project and explain how we can build within your budget.
Satmetrix SparkScore measures recommendation and loyalty behavior where it occurs in customer-to-customer conversation on the social web. SparkScore is the first Social Net Promoter Score product from Satmetrix, the co-creator of Net Promoter.
Satmetrix SparkScore measures recommendation and loyalty behavior where it occurs in customer-to-customer conversation on the social web. SparkScore is the first Social Net Promoter Score product from Satmetrix, the co-creator of Net Promoter.