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Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel is a book of Acts, spirit-filled, multicultural church, impacting our city, our nation and our world through the power of the name, Jesus Christ.
Truth Chapel World Evangelism Fellowship Church is affiliated with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Located in Spartanburg, SC. Began by Pastors Scott and Nikkie Corbin in September 2004. Full gospel church preaching the Message of the Cross with the power of
Truth Chapel Christian Academy is a school for 4-year-old kindergarten through 12th grade, formed by Truth Chapel World Evangelism Fellowship Church in 2013. It is dedicated to a solid education in the basics, as well as in the Bible.
Whether you are seeking to know more about the Christian faith, have been a believer in Christ for quite sometime or somewhere in between, Grace & Truth Chapel is here to help people from every walk of life experience a growing relationship with God.
Whether you are seeking to know more about the Christian faith, have been a believer in Christ for quite sometime or somewhere in between, Grace & Truth Chapel is here to help people from every walk of life experience a growing relationship with God.
Our desire at Calvary Chapel of Grace and Truth is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ! We are excited to see what the Lord wants to do in the city of Yonkers and abroad.
Our desire at Calvary Chapel of Grace and Truth is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ! We are excited to see what the Lord wants to do in the city of Yonkers and abroad.
Our desire at Calvary Chapel of Grace and Truth is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ! We are excited to see what the Lord wants to do in the city of Yonkers and abroad.
Grace & Truth Bible Chapel is a fellowship of believers dedicated to the study of the bible, adherence to the word of God, the breaking of bread and fellowship.