A site dedicated to the cereal crop triticale. Information on a triticale TSB project, the collaborators and the use of triticale for bioethanol and DDGS for animal feed.
triticale.co.uk is your first and best source for information about Cereals . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
le pain9 est un nouveau pain fabriqué avec un mélange de farine, type 80, de froment et de triticale donnant au pain courant de meilleures qualités nutritionnelles et diététiques, une meilleure saveur tout en étant moins salé et une meilleure conservation
Intercéréales, association privée à but non lucratif, est l’interprofession représentative des céréales à savoir blé tendre, blé dur, orge, maïs, avoine, triticale, seigle, sorgho et riz.
Gartner Seed Farm sells seed of hard red spring wheat, winter wheat, oats, hull-less oats, barley, forage peas, mixes of peas and oats, field peas, triticale, alfalfa, and cover crops.
Soya UK, the largest seed supplier in the UK for farmers, deals in a range of new crops varieties from a variety of breeders including: Soya, Lupins, Mammoth Millet, Spring triticale, Wholecrop mixtures.
Soya UK, the largest seed supplier in the UK for farmers, deals in a range of new crops varieties from a variety of breeders including: Soya, Lupins, Mammoth Millet, Spring triticale, Wholecrop mixtures.
A Gluten Free Guide include gluten-free diet that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein complex found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale.
Weaver Seed of Oregon provides a wide variety of seed stock for Cover Crops and Forages. We do contract for the production of Oats, Triticale, Peas, Brassica vegetables and more.