NanoCraft offers Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Light Microscopy imaging of man-made and natural samples. We service industrial clients both locally & around the world.
A database of electron energy loss spectra from Cornell University Applied and engineering physics AEP of interest to academic and industrial researchers. The spectra can be used to identify compositions and bonding states of materials.
Plugins for DigitalMicrograph - the dominant software to acquise and process images in TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy). These user-designed plugins extend the functionality of DigitalMicrograph
Specializes in repairing specimen/sample holders for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM); provides estimates on electro-mechanical vacuum instruments.
Ladd Research is your source for scanning and transmission electron microscopy supplies and general scientific laboratory supplies. Order online or call today.
Energy Beam Sciences provides a wide range of equipment, parts, accessories, software, and service for scanning & transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), vented laboratory microwave ovens for anatomic pathology, electron beam filaments & apertures
NanoImaging Services provides transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and analysis services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and nanotechnology industries.
NanoImaging Services provides transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and analysis services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and nanotechnology industries.
NanoImaging Services provides transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and analysis services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and nanotechnology industries.
Manufacturers of the Polaron range of electron microscopy preparation instruments, including SEM sputter coaters, carbon coaters, critical point dryers, vacuum evaporators, plasma etchers and cryo-SEM
Applied Physics Technologies specializes in thermionic and field emission. APTech is a specialty producer and supplier of CeBix (cerium hexaboride) and LaB6 (lanthanum hexaboride) cathodes for scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron
Manufacturers of the Polaron range of electron microscopy preparation instruments, including SEM sputter coaters, carbon coaters, critical point dryers, vacuum evaporators, plasma etchers and cryo-SEM
Manufacturers of the Polaron range of electron microscopy preparation instruments, including SEM sputter coaters, carbon coaters, critical point dryers, vacuum evaporators, plasma etchers and cryo-SEM
eye of science is specialized in microphotography, especially scanning electron microscopy. With advanced specimen preparation, high quality SEM techniques and expensive digital imaging we create pictures of high scientific value and aesthetic attraction