Alternative healing and transformative education for spiritually awakening women. Morgan Susan Taylor has been a professional in the healing arts since 1998
Alternative healing and transformative education for spiritually awakening women. Morgan Susan Taylor has been a professional in the healing arts since 1998
Alternative healing and transformative education for spiritually awakening women. Morgan Susan Taylor has been a professional in the healing arts since 1998
Education for sustainable development (ESD) - do we really need it? Several issues threaten the sustainability of our planet: Global warming and climate change are rapidly becoming the big issues of our time. - Transformative education, innovations, ingen
Alternative healing and transformative education for spiritually awakening women. Morgan Susan Taylor has been a professional in the healing arts since 1998
GreenHeart Education is a primer on transformative education for sustainability, for educators who want to green the heart and soul of their work in their classroom, curriculum, and school community.
Jane Ellen, certified Flower Essence Practitioner, offers flower essence blends, intuitive readings, and hospice outreach in Santa Fe, New Mexico and nationwide.