Convert, transfer, restore old 33, 45, 78, LPs, ADAT, DAT, Cassettes, or vinyl to CD, iPOD, MP3, WAV, or AIFF at The MUSIC RESTORATION PLACE, Midtown Manhattan NYC New York
Coliday for complete digital/film print/photo services with an emphasis on photo restoration, custom enlargements, photo montages, video to dvd/iPod transfers, records and tapes to cd/iPod, graphics, family, personal & business website hosting, design and
Convert, transfer, restore old 33, 45, 78, LPs, ADAT, DAT, Cassettes, or vinyl to CD, iPOD, MP3, WAV, or AIFF at The MUSIC RESTORATION PLACE, Midtown Manhattan NYC New York
Coliday for complete digital/film print/photo services with an emphasis on photo restoration, custom enlargements, photo montages, video to dvd/iPod transfers, records and tapes to cd/iPod, graphics, family, personal & business website hosting, design and