Professional Hand made timpani sticks. Seán Hooper first began to make timpani sticks over thirty years ago – one of the earliest users of his sticks was Kurt – Hans Goedicke, then principal timpanist of the London Symphony Orchestra.
American Drum Manufacturing Co. - the original Walter Light timpani. Kettledrum manufacture, repair & restoration. Dresden style & continental chain tuned instruments for the tympanist percussionist
Dr. David W. Constantine is a symphonic percussionist/timpanist, soloist, clinician and educator. Contact now for appearances as well as percussion, timpani, and drumset instruction!
Maxmallets timpani mallets and bass drum mallets are designed and made by Randy Max and are used by many leading timpanists and percussionists in major symphony orchestras.
Maxmallets timpani mallets and bass drum mallets are designed and made by Randy Max and are used by many leading timpanists and percussionists in major symphony orchestras.
Timpani sticks, timpani mallets and drumsticks for the professional timpanist, made in Scotland, Great Britain, United Kingdom, UK, with unique handmade felt producing a beautifully pure, centered sound
Víctor Pradillos es solista de timbal de la Guiyang Symphony Orchestra. Victor Pradillos is the principal timpani player at Guiyang Symphony Orchestra.
The Well-Tempered Timpani is a WEBook devoted to the acoustics of timpani and a method for tuning and clearing timpani heads. This process is also known as tempering timpani heads.
Timpani is a specialist digital media consultancy with specific areas of expertise in Multi-Platform Digital Product Development, Online Video, Internet Television, IPTV and Interactive TV.
Gajoni Pier Giuseppe & Koalapercussion forniscono Assistenza Tecnica, Manutenzione, Riparazioni, Ripristino e Restauro per Timpani, Tamburi ed in generale per tutti gli Strumenti a Percussione ADAMS - CONCORDE - LUDWIG - MAJESTIC - RINGER. Gajoni
ONLINE STORE Timpani- teste mobili a LED, per realizzare scenografie di grande effetto in discoteche, teatri, concerti, live, fiere, locali per feste private pub, discopub, scuole, sfilate di moda
Vendita maxi schermi a LED modulari per applicazioni indoor e outdoor. Adatti ad installazioni pubblicitarie, manifestazioni, eventi, concerti, sfilate di moda, convegni.
Concert percussion, slagwerk, schlagzeug, Adams Musical Instruments are the choice of world-class soloists, orchestras, composers, and educators alike because the craftsmanship, sound quality, and technical innovations are the highest quality specificatio