The Connoisseur Virtual Theatre Pipe Organ Series is an expandable series of high resolution sample sets engineered and developed expressly for the exciting Hauptwerk 2 software for the PC & MAC platforms.
KCTPO and the Kansas City Music Hall - home to the 4-28 Robert-Morton theatre organ. KCTPO owns and maintains the organ and schedules regular concerts and events.
The Redford Theatre, with its
original-installation 1928 Barton pipe organ, is owned and
operated by the Motor City Theatre Organ Society. The theatre is
located in Detroit, MI and features a full schedule of classic
films and
KCTPO and the Kansas City Music Hall - home to the 4-28 Robert-Morton theatre organ. KCTPO owns and maintains the organ and schedules regular concerts and events.
The Garden State Theatre Organ Society (GSTOS) preserves the historic tradition of the Theatre Pipe Organ in American music. Based in northern and north-central New Jersey, we restore remaining specimens of the instrument where possible, encourage theatre
Classical music concerts, organ concerts, jazz, calendar of events, email Marketing for classical music and nonprofits. Online calendar listings of classical music concerts and organ recitals. Dedicated eblasts and eNewsletters, Jobs and auditions