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Dr. Stephanie Revels has been practicing Family Medicine for over 30 years and has been a solo practitioner for the past 15 in her Overland Park, Kansas office.
Revels Houston is a unique, community-based performing arts organization and a living tradition welcoming participation from those of all backgrounds and ages.
New York Revels®, Inc., was founded by John Langstaff to promote community celebrations of seasonal events which draw on traditional music, dance, storytelling and drama from around the world. Each year it presents The Christmas Revels, a fully staged the
Exposed: A Body of Art Saturday April 18, 2015 8-11pm Artisan Alley Garage 113 W Georgia Ave. DeLand An art exhibit of nudes, burlesque, and live body art Elegant passed hors d'oeuvres & signature shots, Cash Bar provided by Café DaVinci and Nes