The Door Fellowship Church extends to all guests and visitors a warm welcome in Jesus' name. Our hope is that the Lord will meet your needs today, and that His joy and peace will go with you.
Open Door Fellowship is a family of Christian believers with a mission to present God in a creative, caring, and credible way, thereby encouraging all to have a personal, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ and become a vital part of His Family
The Door Christian Fellowship Church in San Antonio, Texas reaching the world for Jesus Christ through a number of ministry and outreach endeavors...Where Jesus Christ is changing lives.
Join us at The Door Christian Fellowship Church Southside San Antonio 6723 South Flores #11, SA, TX 78221 - Ph: 210-977-8388 Sun 11am & 6:30pm - Wed 7:30pm
The Door Christian Fellowship Church, Los Angeles is a Bible based, Spirit filled, nondenominational church with a passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Join us at The Door Christian Fellowship Church Southside San Antonio 6723 South Flores #11, SA, TX 78221 - Ph: 210-977-8388 Sun 11am & 6:30pm - Wed 7:30pm
Open Door is a vibrant, Spirit-led congregation based in Elkhart, Indiana. Expressive worship, an appreciation of the arts, a love of God, and a genuine desire for more of His Presence are a bit of what flavors ODCF. At Open Door, you will experience th
Our primary mission is to preach the Gospel to the poor and oppressed, to mend broken lives, and to take a love for the poor and oppressed to other congregations and cities at home and abroad. Our secondary mission is to serve as an active member of our l