The Weblog of Linda Tellington-Jones, founder of Tellington TTouch. About her life with animals, animal learning, animal training, TTouch, images, history of TTouch, current issues in horse and companion animal training.
Happy Animales trabaja con el método Tellington Ttouch para mejorar el bienestar animal, a partir de técnicas positivas de adiestramiento de perros y cursos caninos.
Il Sogno Del Cucciolo, Scuola Educativa per Cuccioli. Corsi di TTouches - Tellington Touch - Agility - Gioco educativo per cuccioli - addestramento cani - La Spezia - Prati di Vezzano
Tellington T-Touch for Companion Animals - NYC Metro Area - New York, NY. Helping People and Pets Create Relationships That Work. Provides Solutions to Common Behavior and Physical Challenges.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Tellington TTouch offers a method of training which can help to overcome behavioral, physical and performance problems in companion animals and horses through private sessions, workshops and classes.
Cathy Wells, Common Heart, specializes in telepathic communication with your animal friend to find out how they are
feeling physically and emotionally including practical guidance and healing using the Tellington Touch method