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Tiz-on Recordz est un label français de G-Funk fondé en 2004 par Jack Metzrine et Doctor Frost, tous deux originaires du quartier Sablon à Metz (MetzSide).
Minstruments - Das sind handgehaltene Mini-Geräte mit dem Funktionsumfang grosser Profi-Lösungen. Hier finden Sie einfach zu bedienende Geräte, gepaart mit hoher Präzision und hervorragendem Preis-Leitungsverhältnis! Sowohl fü
Mobile marketing solutions, mobile enterprise solutions, TalkBox Voice Messenger, Teamwork Enterprise Messenger, Hong Kong Movie, Hotmob Advertising, Timable
Norwegian site displaying my works in graphical design, web design & multimedia production - includes the Talkbox Forum |
Norsk nettside som viser mine arbeider med grafisk design, webdesign & multimediaproduksjon - inkluderer Talkbox Forum
Mobile marketing solutions, mobile enterprise solutions, TalkBox Voice Messenger, Teamwork Enterprise Messenger, Hong Kong Movie, Hotmob Advertising, Timable
Fingazz is a platinum certified producer, writer, musician, and artist in Los Angeles, CA. He is also an artist known for playing the "talkbox" and creates his own style of music called "future funk".
Rocket Science (love...i
The much-anticipated second release from insane SAGE, featuring the introduction of BadVibes Ph.D, on the Talkbox (no Auto-tune or Vocoders here!). A blend of Funk and Hip-Hop... and there is much more to come!
* Sound Engineer * * Sometimes Video/Picture Stuff * * Check Out The Band * And Check out our new EP: Talkbox Doowops - EP - The Gak Pak * Chip eater * You can contact me at Email:...
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