R. N. Tagore Senior Secondary School, R. N. Tagore Senior Secondary School is standing for Discipline & Quality Education. The school believes in value education. The school provide conceptual development through various teaching material aids.
Rabindranath Tagore Institute of Archichture & Design, Jasana, Faridabad, RTIAD Faridabad, School of Architecture provides World class Architecture education in India. Focuses on various modes of architectural education, research and practice with consta
The following poem outlines Tagore's vision for an innovative approach to education which is the main aim of Tagore International School and cannot afford to forget.According to Tagore International School's vision for education- in an environment devoid
Andrew Robinson is a British author based in London, specialising in science and the history of science, archaeology and scripts, and Indian history and culture.
Tagore Academy of Lifelong Learning - building up awareness about learning and popularizing lifelong learning, creating scope to people and organizations to engage them in action that
enables learning.