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This is the official website of Jeff Gunhus, author of supernatural thriller, horror, young adult fiction (Jack Templar Monster Hunter series), and non-fiction books.
I'm a writer of Christian fiction. I love humor and supernatural subjects like angels and demons. I'm writing a novel, called The Book of Rodney: Satan Sometimes Brings Cupcakes, which follows the adventures of an 18-year-old guy who suddenly ac
Steffi McKay, Chronicles of a Prophetess - supernatural and spiritual mystery fiction. Missing - Steffi uses her gift of prophecy to find a missing girl.
New Writers - New Crime Writers - New Thriller Writers - New Science Fiction Novelists - New Horror Writers - New Fantasy Writers -
New Humorous Writers - New Supernatural Writers - New Detective Writers.
Welcome to the home of suspense author Christian Masters. I am fascinated by how the supernatural is merely an extension of our normal, everyday experiences. My first series of novels center around Melissa, a woman who is obsessed with finding (and keepi
The Tooth of the Dog 1943 - Abbey of Montecassino, Cassino, Italy To survive in wartime Italy, 13-year old Paolo must help a ghost find and destroy an ancient curse. Based on the true story of the orphans, monks, and refugees who survived the 1944 Allied