Submersible electric motors for sump pumps, and any special purpose submersible electric motor requirements.
We also offer SUBSEA electric generators for Tidal Power Generation.
California Green Plumbing is a trusted and renowned name for providing plumbing services. We are recognized as one of the best service providers for plumbing requirements. We employ a team of trained professionals who are always there to help you.
Pump experts since 1981. We ship most pumps the same day. Wholesale and Retail. Our sales representatives have advanced technical knowledge and can aid you with your pump requirements. Don't hesitate to call if you need assistance. Our Head quarters is lo
Our unique, patented products are designed to make it easy to retrofit existing drywells and bring them into compliance with current government requirements as economically as possible. It's important to protect our ground water drinking supplies and we c
HBD Pumps Contracts Corporation are based in India and manufacture and distribute an extensive range of quality pumps to meet individual requirements and provide superior technical support. .