Официальный сайт русскоязычного спидкубинга: новости о кубике Рубика, анонсы спидкубинга, инструкции как собрать кубик Рубика, где купить кубик Рубика,
Ce site est en vente! speedcubing.org est votre source d’informations généralistes sur le web ! Nous vous souhaitons de fructueuses recherches ! speedcubing.org
Cubegeek.net- Aditya's Speedcubing Realm. Learn how to solve the Rubik's cube and solve it faster. Tutorials encompass various topics on speedcubing as well as blindfold cubing
speedcubing.at is your first and best source for information about speedcubing . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
Perth Winter 2015 Rubik's Cube Tournament Jul 18, 2015 at The University of Western Australia, Wilsmore Lecture Theatre, Room G108, Tattersall & Wilsmore, Chemistry Building, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia
Cette association a pour objet de favoriser le développement sous toutes ses formes de la vie autour des casse-tête rotatifs du type Rubik's Cube en tant que loisir, elle organise aussi des concours de Rubik's cube à Bussières.
Online Rubik's Cube timer for speedcubing. Super simple yet full featured - scramble generator, inspection timer with sound, automatic averaging and more!
Cronómetro el Cubo de Rubik online para speedcubing. Súper simple pero completo - Generador de scramble, temporizador con sonido, promedio automático y mucho más!
Cubikon ist der Spezialist für Zauberwürfel - Speedcubes - rubiks cube - speedcubing - in Deutschland, seit 2002. Wir führen eine reiche Auswahl an Zauberwürfeln.
Free online Rubik's Cube professional timer. Great for speedcubing. Enables you to time, track and analyze your results. Includes scramble generator, automatic results preserver, download results to excel, averages and other statistics. Includes different
Cubikon ist der Spezialist für Zauberwürfel - Speedcubes - rubiks cube - speedcubing - in Deutschland, seit 2002. Wir führen eine reiche Auswahl an Zauberwürfeln.