At METAD we grow and source some of the best coffees Ethiopia has to offer. We do so in a manner that honors our family heritage, our respect for our buyers and our love for Ethiopia. Headquartered in Addis Ababa, METAD’s farm and processing operations ar
At METAD we grow and source some of the best coffees Ethiopia has to offer. We do so in a manner that honors our family heritage, our respect for our buyers and our love for Ethiopia. Headquartered in Addis Ababa, METAD’s farm and processing operations ar
Finca La Valentina se ha mantenido siempre sana y se ha trabajado año tras año hasta poder obtener el café 'GEISHA ARISTAR AGRARIO' el cual se logró posicionar bien en la lista de los mejores cafés de Panamá. Nuestro café ha participado en el Best of Pana
Maison Jobin, formation diplômante en café vert : SCAE (Specialty Coffee Association of Europe), CDS (Coffee Diploma System) et AST (Authorised SCAE Trainer).
The best espresso in San Francisco as determined by ratings and reviews of over 600 cafes, bars, and restaurants. Rating criteria are based on standards from the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Also information about espresso machines, cof
Aster loves coffee roasting, and is licensed through the Specialty Coffee Association of America. She prides herself on buying the best coffee beans online.
9bar scuola di formazione professionale, corsi di formazione per baristi caffetteria, bartending, flair. Trainer autorizzati Scae - Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, Andrea Lattuada e Mariano Semino. Corsi di preparazione per il Coffee Diploma Syste
The World Siphonist Championship is the competition at which national siphonist champions from each country perform for the best siphonist in the world. The WSC is organized by the Specialty Coffee Association of Japan (SCAJ).
9bar scuola di formazione professionale, corsi di formazione per baristi caffetteria, bartending, flair. Trainer autorizzati Scae - Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, Andrea Lattuada e Mariano Semino. Corsi di preparazione per il Coffee Diploma Syste
9bar scuola di formazione professionale, corsi di formazione per baristi caffetteria, bartending, flair. Trainer autorizzati Scae - Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, Andrea Lattuada e Mariano Semino. Corsi di preparazione per il Coffee Diploma Syste
Barista Guild Asia has a vision to inspire and empower both coffee consumers and coffee professionals. We are coffee experts and educators certified under SCAE.