KaleidoSoul- A site totally dedicated to the art and wonders of SoulCollage, an intuitive collage process that anyone can do. Simple and exciting ideas,
Be the STAR that you are
Come join us to create your own personal tarot cards and learn how to do readings for yourself. SoulCollage® is a practice of self exploration that involves thoughtful reflect
Donnalynn Chase founder of Soul Expression and Chase Art Studio, an experienced life coach, facilitator, and trainer and known for her excellent facilitation and collaborative communication skills.
Hello and welcome to my gallery! Please explore the links below or click on the "Welcome | My Galleries" menu tab on the right for other galleries of my work. Scroll down for images. My name is Michelle, I'm a Coachella Valley mixed media/a
Are your a seeker of wisdom and/or personal evolution? Would you like access to insights that will give you more freedom, peace, energy, inspiration, and joy in your life? Check out a creative process for tapping in quickly to your […]