SOMA Community is a church plant located in Spingfield, Ohio that believes church in its simplest form is people. The people who are soma community seek to be Jesus to their city and become like Jesus in their lives. Soma Community gathers weekly in home
SOMA Community is a church plant located in Spingfield, Ohio that believes church in its simplest form is people. The people who are soma community seek to be Jesus to their city and become like Jesus in their lives. Soma Community gathers weekly in home
SOMA Community is a church plant located in Spingfield, Ohio that believes church in its simplest form is people. The people who are soma community seek to be Jesus to their city and become like Jesus in their lives. Soma Community gathers weekly in home is the community for the people who have faith in jesus.Walnut creek churches, churches in Danville are the major churches of this community. is the community for the people who have faith in jesus.Walnut creek churches, churches in Danville are the major churches of this community.
Soma is a Family of Churches committed to Gospel Saturation so that every man, woman and child will have a daily encounter with Jesus through word and deed. We believe Missional Communities are the primary organizing structure of the Church and the most e
Soma is a Family of Churches committed to Gospel Saturation so that every man, woman and child will have a daily encounter with Jesus through word and deed. We believe Missional Communities are the primary organizing structure of the Church and the most e
Soma is a Family of Churches committed to Gospel Saturation so that every man, woman and child will have a daily encounter with Jesus through word and deed. We believe Missional Communities are the primary organizing structure of the Church and the most e
Tovuti ya ni huduma ya mafundisho kwa makanisa mengi ya Afrika mashariki. Yanachapisha makala na mafundisho kwa kila mtu kuhusu maisha ya Kikristo.
A San Diego Church in love with Jesus gathering near San Diego State University | SDSU Church | Gospel Centered Church | Bible Church | Red Door | Jesus Church
There's an enemy that wants nothing more than to destroy us and have us live in misery for the rest of our lives. But God has already given us everything we need, He's made us for exactly this moment and laid every advantage at our feet. It