Upcoming Fairs 2015: The Spring Decorative Fair, Battersea Park, London 21 - 26 April The Art Antiques Fair, aLBERT mEMORIAL lAWN, kENSINGTON gARDENS, lONDON 12 - 18 jUNE tHE lAPADA fAIR, bERKELEY sQUARE, lONDON 22 - 27 September
"Dedication to Purpose" featured in Boston Magazine
"Spiral of Events' featured in West Elm website
"Pur Flower" featured in Better Homes and Gardens September 2011 Issue
(see Links tab to r
We live in hot and glorious Austin, Texas, and we're passionate about spending time outside with our family, pets, and gardens, and the onslaught of Texas mosquitoes from May-September had prevented us from doing so nearly half the year. After dealin
Artists and schedule for our annual Fall art show on the 3rd weekend in September. Live music, food truck, sheep, gardens, pond, fine art, fine craft, handmade
Hello there, thanks for visiting We're getting married at the Botanical Gardens in Edgbaston, Birmingham, on September 5th. We've just sent out 'save the date' emails, and we really hope you can all make it! To help us send out the pro
Here in Paradise Contemporary Art Exhibition takes place in North and South Squares, Sneem from Saturday 31st May to 18th September 2014. Here in Paradise takes place in Sneem’s Sculpture Gardens. The village is unique in as far as it features contemporar
Megaton Mundial, New York's Latin Festival, is coming to Madison Square Gardens in September and tickets are on-sale. Get 2015 Megaton Mundial Tickets today!
Eventbrite - OPERA GARDENS: The Ultimate Sunday Daytime Experience - Sunday, September 21, 2014 at Opera Nightclub, Atlanta, GA. Find event and ticket information.
South Park Gardens is a much loved and well-used park in Wimbledon. It was opened in September 1901 and has now been restored to its former Victorian glory thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The Fourth annual Silicon Valley Tour de Coop, a free, self-guided bicycle tours of chicken coops, gardens, bee hives, hoop houses, and coolest Silicon Valley urban homesteads, is scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9AM to 4 PM. REGISTER NOW
Couture Container Gardens offers residential and commercial design services for porches, patios, entrances, and outdoor spaces. Using a variety of containers, pottery, and plants to create unique and memorable spaces.
Couture Container Gardens offers residential and commercial design services for porches, patios, entrances, and outdoor spaces. Using a variety of containers, pottery, and plants to create unique and memorable spaces.
Blue Willow Garden & Landscape Design Centre & Gift Shop is Georgina's one-stop shopping garden supply depot. "Butterflies & Bloom's" butterfly conservatory will amaze and educate you with daily tours from June to September. Exceptio
As the Daylily lady I have dedicated years to hybridizing daylilies with an emphasis on Late bloomers extending season well into September and October in Zone 7
Longstock Park Water Garden is open to the public on behalf of a charity on the first and third Sunday of the month, from April to September inclusive, from 2 - 5pm.
David Calcutt This is a blog dedicated to my writing residency at Caldmore Community Garden in Walsall. I'll be working there for three days a month from September 2014 to August 2015, and during that time I'll be writing pieces myse
Discuss Power Generation & Energy distribution challenges and demonstrate the latest Electricity generation and Smart Metering technologies for Power Industries at POWER-GEN Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, 1-3 September 2015. Co-located with Renewable Ener