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A new translation of the Secret of the Golden Flower with the original Chinese text. It includes explanations about the symbols of Taoist alchemy and symbols that all esoteric traditions use.
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ACIM for Dummies unlocks the secret of A Course in Miracles by decoding this complex spiritual text, thus making it easier to read and more understandable to all seeker. ACIM for Dummies’ purpose is to give everyone the opportunity to integrate ACIM int
Aleister Crowley's Secret Temple - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Aleister Crowley's 'Liber B vel Magi' is an encrypted text. In fact Liber Ararita, Liber Tau, Liber Arcanorum, and Li
ACIM for Dummies unlocks the secret of A Course in Miracles by decoding this complex spiritual text, thus making it easier to read and more understandable to all seeker. ACIM for Dummies’ purpose is to give everyone the opportunity to integrate ACIM int