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Club Screwball, Los Angeles Live Music, Burlesque, Cabaret, “Dancing,” Surrealism. With your hosts Miss Darcey Leonard, Don Bolles, DJs Prickle, Jimi Hey, Howie Pyro, Ian Marshall
Lonelyhearts: The Screwball World of Nathanael West and Eileen McKenney [Marion Meade] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV><DIV><DIV><DIV><P>NATHANAEL WEST novelist, screenwriter, playwright
Lonelyhearts: The Screwball World of Nathanael West and Eileen McKenney [Marion Meade] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <DIV><DIV><DIV><DIV><P>NATHANAEL WEST novelist, screenwriter, playwright
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Tales by Deirdre Kindthistle, published by Hawk Marsh Books. Free short stories on and 99¢ e-books on Amazon. Fun fiction with whimsical twists.