Kerecen - Since 1980 we have gradually developed the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) and Gyr falcon (Falcon rusticolus) breeding station.
Kerecen - Since 1980 we have gradually developed the Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) and Gyr falcon (Falcon rusticolus) breeding station.
Scottish Falcon Breeders of Falcons in Scotland, Gyr Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Saker Falcon Breeders, Eagle Breeders, Owl Breeders of birds of prey, falcons for sale, Aberdeen Scotland, Huntly falconry
Boone's Animals for Hollywood, Inc. is an animal training facility, working for over 3 decades with every major studio on hundreds of film movies, TV shows, and commercials.
Scottish Falcons captive bred Gyr Falcon hybrid's and Peregrine Falcons, produced for sale within the UK and for export, at our custom built falcon breeding facility based in the South of Scotland.
At Pacific Northwest Falcons we breed high quality gyr falcons and gyr hybrids of all colors for falconry, using a wide range of carefully selected genetics producing a more athletic, healthier, and larger falcon eliminating the undesirable traits from in
Boone's Animals for Hollywood, Inc. is an animal training facility, working for over 3 decades with every major studio on hundreds of film movies, TV shows, and commercials.