sculptures, woodcarvings and roughouts - depicts sculptures and woodcarvings of birds of prey and other wildlife art, including bronzes,lifesize roughouts made from northern basswood for sale.
woodcarvings - G & B Sears Woodcarvings creates handcarved western woodcarvings, roughtouts and gives woodcarving seminars in Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, New York, and Texas
Stadtlander Woodcarvings of Western NY is a seller of woodcarvings and woodcarving supplies including knives, gouges, wood blanks, basswood plates, basswood boxes and roughouts. Ships anywhere.
wildlife woodcarver - Jim Willis realistic, original wildlife pieces handcarved in great detail. Unique pieces including animals, figures, busts, reliefs, and Santas. Roughouts of original animal pieces available. Seminars in Branson, MO.
A Wood Carving supply nestled between the Cascade mountains and Puget Sound; offering a large selection of fine carving supplies including custom and handmade knives, several web pages of interest to beginning carvers and experienced wood carvers alike
Sculptures by Gerald Copeland - Gerald Copeland creates sculptures in various media (wood, brass and bronze) and in a variety of subject matter with all subjects available in roughout form for woodcarving
relief woodcarvings - Harley and Midge Woodcarvings creating handcarved relief and in-the-round woodcarvings, roughtouts and teaching woodcarving seminars in Minnesota,Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, New York, and Texas
woodcarvings - Stu Martin has been desiging and carving thousands of Native American Indians and Santas for the last 25 years and has been teaching the art of woodcarving for the last 10 years.