The Racine Church of Christ was planted June 12, 2011 by a small group of believers with a dream. The mission team consisted of a diverse group united in love for God and passionate about bringing the Gospel to the Racine, Oak Creek and Kenosha areas.
If you haven't already experienced a service at Community Church, we hope you will consider visiting this weekend. We simply want to meet you, answer your questions, and introduce you to Community Church.
Racine Community Church of the Nazarene
8440 S
1925 Summit Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 53404 + Phone 262 634-5515 + A welcoming congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America + Services Saturdays at 4:30 p.m., Sundays at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Sign language for the hearing impaired. St. Paul The Apostle Parish provides baptism, eucharist, and reconciliation to the Racine, WI area. Call 262-886-0530.