Professor Ejugwu Stephen Onah (male, Nigerian, Christian, mathematician, lecturer and university administrator) is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi - Benue State in North Central Nigeria. He is a prof
The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, Rt. Rev. Professor Godfrey Onah, at the weekend, condemned the attitude of politicians and public office holders who are not concerned about the plight of youths and the generality of the masses.
Jan Van der Spiegel is a Professor of the Electrical and Systems Engineering
Department, and the Director of the Center for Sensor Technologies at the ...
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Thomas J Bradley is a Professor, Developer, and Writer of The Open Web. I believe that everybody should perpetually learn, try, build, break, & fix things.
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Dr Gurumurthy Kalyanaram is a well-known professor (NYIT) and academic leader, and an experienced business consultant and advisor, law and Lawsuit Policy. He completed his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.