The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
The International House of Prayer partners in the Great Commission by advancing 24/7 prayer and proclaiming the beauty of Jesus and His glorious return.
Conspiracy Evangelism exposes government conspiracies such as the JFK assassination, faked moon landings, 9-11 terrorist attacks and other deceptions. Proclaiming God's New World Order is our mission!
The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
Lemuel Baker Ministries was incorporated June 18, 2007 in response to Jesus’ own words recorded in Mathew 24:30-41. We are proclaiming the return of Jesus Christ.
The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Ch
Metropolitan Tabernacle | Reformed Baptist Church in London |Charles H Spurgeon's Tabernacle | Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and the Doctrines of Grace since 1650 | UK Largest Sunday School | Reformed Preaching | Online sermons | School of Theology |