is the #1 online poker informational site dedicated to poker tells. Find out how to spot the most common poker tells. Learn about online poker tells. Read articles on poker tells by professional poker players like Daniel Negreanu and Dutch
Tells Kitchen is a video training site for poker tells, online poker tells and body language at the poker table. Mike Caro and Joe Navarro tells explained.
Looking for a simple book on how to read your opponents' Poker Tells? Reading Poker Tells teaches you a framework for observing and acting on poker tells.
Welcome to Online Poker Tells, the internet’s number one destination for all things Poker. Our site provides a number of invaluable resources for the Poker enthusiast.
introductory one-day course gives you the ability to read a person’s facial cues and ticks–movements and gestures a person is not even aware of but with out proven techniques, you can read almost as easily as a book
Ultimate guide in photo illustrated Tells: Tells are the actions of body language emitting sensory information that can be collected to benefit judgement.
Ultimate guide in photo illustrated Tells: Tells are the actions of body language emitting sensory information that can be collected to benefit judgement.
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James Kiester is a talented writer of mysteries and crime fiction. His debut novel, Murder According To Hoyle, tells the story of a professional poker player who becomes entangled in a death defying murder mystery. When a popular Nevada Senator is found
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