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Philosophies sætter fokus på langsomheden. Virksomheder, institutioner og kommuner lever også og har lige så stor risiko for at brænde ud som individer har.
An accurate model of the origin of life and the universe, one that refutes the central tenets of modern science and stone-age philosophies (by New Scientific Revolution)
"I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Academie Clementine, pour l'étude des philosophies et des cultures du monde afin mieux connaître notre propre culture, ouvrir nos esprits à la diversité
Real Estate thoughts, tips, and philosophies with Chad Floyd, GAR, B.A., M.S., licensed salesperson with Keller Williams Buckhead, Atlanta GA. P- 910-638-8186 Email: [email protected]
Learn about the company history and philosophies for CFOs2GO which provides clients with the greatest value through a hybrid model, an interweaving of consulting and recruiting capabilities.
The 1st Church of Mankind | USA | Where Humanism, Trans-humanism and an inclusiveness of all other religions, ideologies and philosophies are paramount
The Thin Places are those places where the secular and the divine meet. Those places when the distance between the heavens and the earth collapses and our philosophies, sciences, and theologies all collide with His natural laws, His morality, His divine l