Ultradur thermoplastic polyester from BASF is a partly crystalline, thermoplastic polyester based on polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). It is used as a material for high-quality, highly stressed engineering parts in a wide variety of industrial sectors. Ul
Ultradur thermoplastic polyester from BASF is a partly crystalline, thermoplastic polyester based on polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). It is used as a material for high-quality, highly stressed engineering parts in a wide variety of industrial sectors. Ul
The CITP company is an industrial boiler making specialized in tank manufacturer, industrial piping, industrial equipment supply (scrubbers, quenchers, storage…), thermoplastics and polyester coating
Fabrication Composantes d’armoires en MDF, thermoplastique, polyester et mélamine. Manufacturing cabinets components in MDF , thermoplastic polyester and
匯金豐實業香港有限公司於二零零二年成立,是一間專業營運各種類型 “熱塑性聚氨酯” (Thermoplastic Polyurethane Resin) 及 “聚酯彈性體” (Thermoplastic Polyester Elastomer Resin) 的公司, Gold River Enterprises Hong Kong Ltd was establ
Buy Plastics is a leader in the distribution of specialty, engineering and commodity plastic raw materials to manufactures of plastic based products in almost every industry.
Buy Plastics is a leader in the distribution of specialty, engineering and commodity plastic raw materials to manufactures of plastic based products in almost every industry.
Nimrod Plastics specializes the technical applications of thermoplastic materials in Engineering Environments. Nimrod supplies a comprehensive range of Engineering Plastics
Plastic injection molder who manufactures all types of plastic injection molded parts using most types of plastics. We do custom high volume injection molding for the following industries; aircraft, agriculture, automotive, computer, construction, food