We're a wee, green, family business, rooted in Perthshire. Appletreeman propagates and sells hardy, heritage and Scottish fruit trees. Plants with Purpose grow and sell unusual herbs and purposeful plants. We run lots of horticultural, community even
Michael Janik has 100 varieties of antique, gourmet, and cider apple trees on dwarf rootstocks in his backyard orchard in northern Nevada. Monthly e-mails with growing tips, plus pruning services & workshops are available.
My Book:The Wedding Photography Field Guide You can get it here at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.2012 Workshops:Clickin Moms Workshop, Feb. 27 (SOLD OUT)ShootStyle Posing Workshop (Michelle Turner and Jamison Wexler): May 17, 2012 in Old Orchard Beach, M
Gathering quilters near Port Orchard, just west of Seattle, WA. We bring in nationally known quilt artists for programs and workshops. We raise money for programs and community service (quilt donations) with raffle quilts and annual quilt shows.
Taste and Explore, adventures in taste, including guided tours, activity weekends, short courses in cider, perry, fruit juice and country wine making courses, themed dinners, run by Mitchell F & D Ltd.
Jim Mangino guitar bassist teacher musician. Southern Maine based jazz guitarist available for studio sessions workshops clinics and performance.Guitar bass and piano lessons taught at his studio Creative Studios.Touring Musician available
ONE EAST ASIA is a Singapore-based international art management company which aims to enrich the appreciation of Asian Art, especially Southeast Asian Art, though diverse programs and educational activities.