The Alexander Technique is a method of education that teaches how to un-do acquired habits of movement that interfere with the inherent design of the body.
Whether we want to lose weight, achieve a high level of fitness, restore our health by healing illness or injury, we all want to have optimal health, wellness and fitness. Shape Shifter Pilates & Personal Training can do that for you.
Whether we want to lose weight, achieve a high level of fitness, restore our health by healing illness or injury, we all want to have optimal health, wellness and fitness. Shape Shifter Pilates & Personal Training can do that for you.
Extensive information on how you can heal your body with food and optimal nutrition. Includes a list of healing foods in season, recipes with health benefits, daily nutrition tips, and more!
Optimal mind-body health is a holistic approach to health. Discussing and covering the most important factors when it comes to one’s overall health and well-being.
We each walk a special road towards our life learning, and our body is our vehicle. The better our vehicle, the farther we can travel. Learn to treat your self with optimal nutrition to give you a leg up on your mission!
A weight loss resource site that shares the latest research as well as reviews of the most effective weight loss programs, products and plans. It also provides loads of free tools including calorie counters, food journals, weight tracking, BMI and optimal - wellness based chiropractor offering full range of chiropractic techniques / therapies; extensive informative health resources, improving patients health through increased knowledge / positive lifestyle changes
Not just online personal trainer s, but a supportive environment that is going to give you the tools, the accountability and the know how to lose weight and feel comfortable