Oktogon GmbH aims at specialists recruitment supporting businesses and organizations in finding expertise for Projects on time or for permanent positions.
Looking for a cheap hotel room in Budapest? Situated in Pest, only one block from the UNESCO World Heritage Site, at the crossroads of Andrassy Street and Oktogon, the central meeting point of Pest.
Six Inn Hotel Budapest is a charming 3-star hotel conveniently located near the centre of Budapest. Local tourist attractions such as Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum, Terezvaros and Oktogon are not far from the hotel.
Fodrász Budapest VI. kerület, az Oktogon mellett a Jókai téren, férfi fodrász, női fodrász, férfi fodrászat, alkalmi frizura, esküvői konty, melírozás, hajfestés
Best american steak house restaurant in Budapest T.G.I. Friday´s offers best steaks in the city, hamburgers and lunchs. Take a real break and visit us in Westend, Fashion Street and Oktogon.
A Kollagen Facelift® család, szabadalommal védett kollagén mátrix®-ot tartalmaz, mely, tökéletes felszívódási mutatókkal rendelkezik! A kollagén a szépség és az egészség fehérjéje.
Financing E-business in Asia -- VCfirm.com is a seed and early stage private equity investment venture capital firm specializing in Asian based or targeted e-businesses and e-business enabling technologies.