Dr. Thirston Phillips is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician at Sandhills Physical Medicine who specializes in treating patients who have various orthopedic or neurological conditions that cause physical impairments or pain.
Scott Ji is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He served as Director of Massage for Physical Therapy Healthcare Inc., in Raleigh for seven years. He is a national board certified acupuncturist and herbalist, licensed by the state of North Carolina.
Car Accident Charlotte, Treating Car Accident victims in Charlotte North Carolina with Chiropractic Care and Physical Medicine. We treat back pain, whiplash, joint pain, and other spinal cord injuries
Car Accident Durham, Treating Car Accident victims in Durham North Carolina with Chiropractic Care and Physical Medicine. We treat back pain, whiplash, joint pain, and other spinal cord injuries
Car Accident Greensboro, Treating Car Accident victims in Greensboro North Carolina with Chiropractic Care and Physical Medicine. We treat back pain, whiplash, joint pain, and other spinal cord injuries
Pediatric Therapy Associates and Sports Medicine provides quality services in North Carolina for infants and children up to 21 years of age. These services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, psychology and famil
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine mobile practice in North Carolina's Triangle Area. We provide acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, herbal therapy, tui-na and food therapy to dogs, cats and horses.
Trinity Wellness Center specializes in Physical Therapy, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pediatric Services, Aquatic Therapy, and Personal Training. Trinity Wellness Center is located in Garner, North Carolina.
Oak Ridge Physical Therapy provides high-quality physical therapy and rehabilitation services for Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Kernersville, Greensboro and the entire Northwest Guilford County, NC community.
Oak Ridge Physical Therapy provides high-quality physical therapy and rehabilitation services for Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Kernersville, Greensboro and the entire Northwest Guilford County, NC community.
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Dr. Thirston Phillips is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician at Sandhills Physical Medicine who specializes in treating patients who have various orthopedic or neurological conditions that cause physical impairments or pain.
Oak Ridge Physical Therapy provides high-quality physical therapy and rehabilitation services for Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Kernersville, Greensboro and the entire Northwest Guilford County, NC community.
Oak Ridge Physical Therapy provides high-quality physical therapy and rehabilitation services for Oak Ridge, Summerfield, Kernersville, Greensboro and the entire Northwest Guilford County, NC community.
Discover award-winning sports medicine and injury care, including physical medicine and rehabilitation, athletic training, and event medicine services.