Nikolina Okuka, artiste peintre plasticienne et pionnière dans le monde du Gem Art®, présente au travers de ses œuvres, cette matière minérale unique qu’est la pierre, berceau de la mémoire humaine et terrestre. Ses œuvres sont l’essence même d’une carto
Ponuda Vjenčanice NIkolina,Vjenčanice Madona Nova Kolekcija za Vaš najljepši dan. Nudimo vam veliki izbor svečanih i večernjih haljina za razne progode kao što su svadbe, domjenci, zabave i. ostale svečane prigode.
An About Us page where you can briefly write about the services you provide on your site. What we do? An event is normally a large gathering of people, who have
Comfortable apartments in Petrcane near Zadar, Dalmatia, Croatia. Close to all the beaches but isolated from the crowds, with a splendid view of the Adriatic sea.
In my work I use my own body as the most important tool to materialize and carry out concepts and ideas of the public space as in the possibilities of the intervention through performance, action and installation in such places.In some part of my work I i