Covenant Community Ministries is a cutting edge, kingdom-minded, apostolic, community based, prayer & prophetic ministry offering rehabilitative, counseling, and informational services.
Welcome to Covenant Ministries The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. (Psalm 25:14, NKJV) Most people know about God's covenant with Noah, but did you know that the Lord made many covenants with people
Covenant Global Ministries is a non-profit making Christian organization, which constitutes an autonomous entity distinct from its members and partners and affiliates worldwide.The motto of covenant global ministries shall be Go therefore and Make Discipl
Covenant LifeHouse Ministries is a non-denominational, multicultural church that believes God calls us to be constantly seeking ways of growing spiritually closer to Him, the community, and to each other.
Dale G. Hudson, President, Dale Hudson Teaching Ministries, Born out of the call of God to make disciples of Jesus - teach the good news of the gospel with a foundation based on Gods Word, eternal Covenant and Kingdom
Covenant Discipleship Ministries is a non-denominational ministry, located in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Recently established under the Pastorate of Minister Bobby Woods, we strive to be in Covenant in supporting your spiritual needs and continual disciples
Dominion Covenant Marriage Ministries is a teaching ministry. We provide ministry through counseling sessions and church conferences for families, married couples, and singles.
Reconnecting Ministries - Bringing the fullness of the New Covenant to the Jewish people and giving believers a deeper understanding of the roots of our faith.
Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries, where global evangelists connect to work in covenant relationalship with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to help carry out the Great Commision