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Nearsighted? Compare LASIK to its alternatives (Visian ICL and PRK) in terms of eye surgery cost, what to expect for the procedure, outcome, and how they work.
Eye Scene is a forum about all aspects of eyeglasses and vision including myopia -nearsighted and hyperopia- farsighted, lenses, frames, presbyopia, bifocals, trifocals, low vision, and more.
'FocusSpecs provides adjustable focus eyeglasses for nearsighted and farsighted use. With the simple twist of our patented dial you can adjust your vision correction from +0.5 to +4.5 for our readers or -1.0 to 5.0 for our nearsighted glasses. These adju
"A wonderful holiday read!" ~Former First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush "Sometimes, I think we humans are incredibly nearsighted. We busy ourselves in one plane, while the universe revolves in another - a plane more vast in scope and more intricate
Rebuild Your Vision teaches you to restore superior vision naturally using eyesight exercises, eyesight charts, and visual habits to improve eyesight. Correct vision problems such as astigmatism, presbyopia, and nearsighted and farsightedness.
Art Stevens, Sanibel Island's one and only bona fide humor columnist, takes you through the island's joys and charms as only a nearsighted insider can know it.