Diana Neale, BACP Senior Accredited counsellor/psychotherapist working in Devizes, Wiltshire with individuals and couples. Help with relationships, stress, eating disorders, bereavement, depression
Hugh Neale - Dedicated to building outstanding products and or solutions with professionalism and ingenuity. Always open and receptive to new and emerging technologies.
Kings and Paupers by Jude Neale is a contemporary approach to the vintage era defined by classic distinctive styling, ultimate fits and artisan workmanship.
Olivia Neale -Intellectually curious individual with a sharp and enquiring mind. Passion for developing unique strategies that have a world-shaping impact. Strong ability to solve complex challenges faced by clients.
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Sonia Neale is the author of The Bad Mothers Revenge and her newest book is Death by Teenager. Sonia takes an hilarious take on the joys of motherhood and the trials of raising teenagers.