Muunda Musica promotes public interest in classical music by sponsoring performances, educational projects, scholarships, and career development programs.
Folk Music of India -- Field recordings of traditional Baul music, Fakir music, Patua songs, Santal music of W. Bengal and Bangladesh, and Munda music, Nagpuri music of Jharkhand with text, translation, photos.
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Folk Music of India -- Field recordings of traditional Baul music, Fakir music, Patua songs, Santal music of W. Bengal and Bangladesh, and Munda music, Nagpuri music of Jharkhand with text, translation, photos.
Gina Munda, with over ten years experience, uses her artistic imagination to capture your most precious memories. Whether it's weddings, family, fashion, portraiture, advertising, music or editorials, Gina Munda Photography exposes the soul in the image.
Gina Munda, with over ten years experience, uses her artistic imagination to capture your most precious memories. Whether it's weddings, family, fashion, portraiture, advertising, music or editorials, Gina Munda Photography exposes the soul in the image.