A nationally known TV/Multi-Media journalist and best-selling author who speaks out about crimes against people, animals and the environment (by Jane Velez-Mitchell)
MCS Lebanon, Multi Chanel Services, solution system in Lebanon, studying consulting and integrating Lebanon, energy solution in Lebanon, green environment in Lebanon, dependent energy in Lebanon, fuel energy system in Lebanon, business solution provider i
Multi-user system environment for a more efficient passenger processing system than traditional CUTE system common use terminal equipment infrastructure.
Multi-user system environment for a more efficient passenger processing system than traditional CUTE system common use terminal equipment infrastructure.
Covers for Multi Wall Plastic Sheets is a pioneer company for excellent solutions using PC Multi Wall sheets for applications such as: architecture, home & environment, decoration, agriculture and signs.
Commercial Buildings, Retail Tenancies, Restaraunts and multi family Units General Contracting, Project Management and Collaborative Design Builder in the ever-changing environment of the construction industry
Secure multi-application storage for enterprise-grade clouds run by public and private service providers and enterprises. Delivers predictable performance (guaranteed QoS)
DSG Technology offers the worlds only full caliber supercavitating ammunition for seamless use in standard weapons.
DSGT’s patented technology represents one of the most significant and revolutionary steps forward in defence since perhaps the invention of
MES provides a complete range of IT services from strategic IT consulting to systems integration to outsourcing by leveraging its domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology providers.
Is a creative development company building innovative and immersive virtual world experiences across social 3D platforms and has created award winning projects
Secure multi-application storage for enterprise-grade clouds run by public and private service providers and enterprises. Delivers predictable performance (guaranteed QoS)
Snoezelen ist ein Angebot an alle Menschen, die Entspannung und Ruhe, aber auch neue Anregungen suchen. Unsere Sinne werden beim Snoezelen gezielt und dosiert stimuliert: Sehen, Hören, Tasten, Riechen, Schmecken – entweder einzeln oder kombiniert, je nac
Snoezelen ist ein Angebot an alle Menschen, die Entspannung und Ruhe, aber auch neue Anregungen suchen. Unsere Sinne werden beim Snoezelen gezielt und dosiert stimuliert: Sehen, Hören, Tasten, Riechen, Schmecken – entweder einzeln oder kombiniert, je nac