Huutajat is a choir that doesn't sing a note. 20-40 decently dressed men enter the venue in a paramilitary manner and begin to scream, bellow and shout excerpts from national anthems, children's ditties or international treaties. Sometimes the t
Huutajat is a choir that doesn't sing a note. 20-40 decently dressed men enter the venue in a paramilitary manner and begin to scream, bellow and shout excerpts from national anthems, children's ditties or international treaties. Sometimes the text is...
Viipurin Lauluveikot on suomalainen mieskuoro, joka perustettu Viipurissa vuonna 1897. Kuoro toimii nykyisin Helsingissä. Viipurin Lauluveikot on myös Helsingin sotaveteraanikuoron perinnekuoro.