piezo membrane micro pump (micropump) for active fluid handling of liquids and gases. Used for continuous or discontinuous fluid delivery, micro dosing and active fluid control.
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piezo membrane micro pump (micropump) for active fluid handling of liquids and gases. Used for continuous or discontinuous fluid delivery, micro dosing and active fluid control.
Manufacturing custom metal tools to create micro-structured products for friction control, improved heat transfer, surface tension (superhydrophobicity & superhydrophilicity), and reduced fluid drag.
Micro Seals India - Leader in Fluid sealing industry for Manufacture of Mechanical seals, customized mechanical seals, Pump Mechanical seals and Mechanical seals components for all applications.
The company has started on 1999 to project a micro injection machine able to produce 3D labels, patchs and badges in fluid plastics automatically and needless the considerable quantity of employed as used in the countries where the cost of the labour is n
Overview of company capabilites. Laser drilling, cutting, and fabrication services. Specializing in laser based technology, Stretto also fabricates micro-perforated parts for fluid filtration.
Founded in 2001, TOPS Micro Pump Technology Company is the leading and biggest manufacturer specializing in various DC micro pump and fluid comprehensive solution in China.
Kinship is a network for sharing the simplest moments to give joy. Micro moments. The network has a 100% fluid identity and is shaped by alike connections.
Kit-Tronics online store and international distributor of hiigh end flashlights and batteries, as well as providing hosting for e-commerce and information websites.