Lymphedema information center by and for lymphedema patients that focuses on our unique needs, questions and problems. Online textbook of lymphedema, types, stages, fibrosis, wounds, treatment options, complications. Bringing hope to all with this conditi
OJ Medtech, Inc. is a durable medical equipment company that specializes in products for patients that suffer with upper or lower extremity edema through the placement of Lymphedema Pumps. Our Compression Garment Division carries all the major brands incl
The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy is the premier institution for training professionals to become certified lymphedema therapists. Students are trained in Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) and may sit for the LANA national certification exam.
The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) is the leading school in the US providing comprehensive lymphedema certification training for health care professionals. Call 800-863-5935 to advance your professional career.
Shop the leading online store for bandaging & compression therapy supplies and products for lymphedema & venous conditions. FREE shipping on orders over $75.
Lymphedema pumps & Lymphedema Treatment products. We are the #1 resource for Post Mastectomy Lymphedema and Lower extremity Lymphedema Pumps due to Venous Insufficiency & Stasis Ulcers in the tri-state area
Lymphedema Reliever. Lymphedema Relief. An advanced massage tool that assist in redirecting fluids from affected limbs and distribute fluids toward healthy lymph areas within the body. This enables the limb to be reduced in size to achieve maximum
Lymphedema Reliever. Lymphedema Relief. An advanced massage tool that assist in redirecting fluids from affected limbs and distribute fluids toward healthy lymph areas within the body. This enables the limb to be reduced in size to achieve maximum
I. Dokter Umum II. Akupunktur Medik III. Skin & Slimming Care IV. Program Pencegahan & Pemulihan Penyakit V. Lymphedema Center Indonesia VI. Catering Pencegah Penyakit VII. PIRT Kesehatan Vegan Kuartet Nabati
Lympha Press USA produces Lympha Press compression therapy systems for treatment of lymphedema and venous insufficiency, and for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Lympha Press systems are clinically proven safe and effective and are in use in thousands
Purchase general medical and rehab supplies, support garments, lymphedema bandages and a whole host of sports medicine and women's health products at eWellness.
Christy Hein provides MLD lymphedema therapy lymph drainage to those suffering from lymphedema in Rocklin Roseville Lincoln California. Swedish Massages, Shiatsu, Myofascial Release, and more.
The best resource for finding lymphedema treatment, lymphedema massage, & products for lymphedema near you. Tons of reviews for finding the best therapy!
Lymphedema Community is a place where lymphedema patients, therapists, physicians, industry professionals, and family/friends can connect and share experiences, knowledge, and support. This is your site's landing page.
Lymphedema pumps & Lymphedema Treatment products. We are the #1 resource for Post Mastectomy Lymphedema and Lower extremity Lymphedema Pumps due to Venous Insufficiency & Stasis Ulcers in the tri-state area
Lymphedema Therapy Center of Lubbock provices Manual Lymph Drainage massage services. This is a gentle, rhythmic massage that stimulates your lymphatic system, helping your body to manage the fluids naturally and benefiting your systems with cleansing an
Dr Corinne Becker is a pioneer in Lymph Nodes Transfer (ALNT), a microsurgical technique used to treat iatrogenic and congenital lymphedema. Dr Becker has
Alberta Lymphedema Association is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2003 by a team of people who recognized the need to help people living with, or at risk of, lymphedema.
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